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Order your Glasshouse today with just a 50% deposit
We offer a 30 Year Lifetime Guarantee
Abutting Glasshouses

Bespoke Abutting Glasshouses

If you are looking for a greenhouse which doesn’t take up too much room in your garden, then why not check out our bespoke Abutting Greenhouse range…

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Advanced Glasshouse

Why Not Consider Our Three Quarter Lean to Glasshouses?

Those of you who are especially interested in adding a bit more height to your wall may prefer to opt for a three quarter lean to glasshouse.

As with our Abutting glasshouses, these are modular in design and can be extended on a modular basis as required by the customer.

This range is available in two different widths depending upon the space that is available, with the additional height meaning that you can opt for a design which has doors at both ends. This is a trend which is now quite common with our larger lean-to structures.

View Three Quarter Lean-to Glasshouses
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